~ Yummy Travel ~

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Friday, May 7, 2010

High tea-- the traditional English afternoon tea

Tips and Ideas on how to attend an English style afternoon tea with style and elegance. Learn teatime etiquette, manners, and traditional charming behavior.
Following are tips for proper teatime behavior.

1. When holding a handled teacup, Never loop your fingers through the handle.
2. It is considered rude to stir one's tea in wide circular motions. (Proper etiquette requires the teaspoon to be held at the six o'clock position to begin. Then, any added liquid is folded lightly towards the twelve o'clock position two or three times.)

3. The teaspoon should never be left in the teacup. When not in use, place it on the right side of the tea saucer. And place back the teacup as well.

4. If served scones, split the scone in half with a knife. Butter is spread on one of the scone's crumb sides. This can be topped with jam, if you like.

5. Tea sandwiches and treats should be eaten in delicate bites. Remember to smile and chat between bites.

P.S.  love joy"s tearoom is the place that I've had this wonderful "High Tea".

                                  Enjoy !!! ^^

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