~ Yummy Travel ~

Make travels a lot more fun with yummy food on your way!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Foreign Cinema -- the best dating place (1)

I'm thinking that maybe some of you are not really traveler, but new comers from somewhere else, been here for a while but still don't familiar with all the stuff in town. You may not know where is the biggest shopping center or where to get the lowest gas price, while you mat want to know which place is the best one for dating!!! This blog is going to tell you where to go if you are in love with somebody, especially male. :)

I've asked people around me and they offered me the best one they think, so I'm going to do a series about this, to make sure you find your best one.
The first one is named Foreign Cinema, as you can tell from its name, its not only a restaurant, but also a cinema. If you want to know more information, just go check their home page:http://www.foreigncinema.com/

It will be look like this in the day time.
And will started to show movie when dark is coming.

Every blog I did before was to share my experience, this time I want to share experience of my friend who gave me this great suggestion -- Alia Smyk, from the moment we parked the car right in front of the restaurant and walked through the art deco doors. We sat outsied under the stars and twinkle lights and were wined and dined. Watched a lovely black and white film and had great conversations. It was an evening movies are made of. Perfect for a first date. 

This is more about the environment of the restaurant, not food. But Foreign Cinema also has very delicious food for couples. The price is a little bit higher than regular restaurants, while for dating with your lover, its worth it. 

Enjoy it!!! ^^

(P.S. My camera was broken before I went to Foreign Cinema by my cat, all the pics in the blog are from yelp, thx for ppl who uploaded them.)

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