~ Yummy Travel ~

Make travels a lot more fun with yummy food on your way!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Warm you at chilly day--Hot pot

   Went out yesterday with my friend and found out that it was windy and cloudy outside. When I feel cold, the feeling that I want to eat hot pot come up every single time. Those characters will show up in my mind --  Little Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot (小肥羊火鍋). It has 9 branches in north America 4 of them in America, try to find the one near your place.

I love spicy food very much, but if you can't handle it or your tablemates can't, you can get the half normal broth/half spicy broth combo. It will be look like this.    

LSM has a different kind of broth compared to those other shabu shabu places. The broth there tastes healthy, all those little bits of herbs and of course delicious. The spicy broth is just my level that taste good but not too spicy. 

Meats are all very nicely done and cut there, they will give you loads of veggies per order and their meat balls are huge and very good taste. 

One thing I have to mention here is that the broth is very hot, watch out kids, and don't say I didn't warn you, remember to wear short sleeve shirt a tank top maybe, cause you will get hotter and hotter during your eating time.

It's a nice place for group of friends to meet and eat together. Bring your friends with you next rainy day to LSM. Maybe we can meet there.

Enjoy!!! ^ ^

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